Sunday, November 11, 2012

Shelves for Sheldon

 Well, we finally managed to pull it off, and I think we did rather well! Buying cat furniture is pretty ridiculous, these cat wall shelves cost over $200!! We made ours for just over $30. (2 48" shelf boards for $3.00 a piece, 6 10" 'over/under shelf brackets for $2.30 a piece, screws, and a 12' x 2' piece of indoor/outdoor carpet for $12.45)

Here is the wall to be donated to Sheldon's jungle gym. I've had a quilt my Oma made me hanging here, but the cats were always trying to sharpen their claws on it, and I am glad they won't be damaging it anymore. 

Once we cut the boards to length (2 2@32", 1 @12"), we wrapped them in carpet. To make our lives easier, we hot-glued the carpet to hold it in place, and then tacked it more securely with staples. 

Once we got the first shelf up, we thought we should give it a test. It passed, although this picture doesn't quite show the enthusiasm on his face... 

It works! Its amazing how quickly he figured it out, and then proceeded to sleep on the high shelf the rest of the afternoon. I guess some cats just need to be up high!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Crazy Cat Lady

My dad once told me, I hope you don’t make the same excuses for your children that you do for your cat. Sheldon is… a handful. If he’s in the mood, he’ll pee on anything soft left on the floor (shoes, bags, boxes, blankets), and gets anxious when we have company over. Instead of leaving the room, he stands his ground, and confronts the invaders. Unfortunately, this means that most of our friends are scared of him. The thing is, Sheldon is such a smart and sweet cat. He’s the best snuggler, and you can see his wheels turning as he tries to work out the solution to a problem. I’ve taught him to sit on command, he can open drawers, and loves to climb. I strongly feel his biggest issue is just that he needs more territory than the small apartment. He loves to explore the basement, and would love to go outside, I just can’t let him do those things when he wants to… that little problem of neighbors. Since giving him up just isn’t an option, he’s too much a beloved member of the family, we are trying to get creative with solutions to enrich his environment. The more entertained he is, the less he drives us crazy. We are in the process of installing “cat shelves” on one wall of our living room. The limiting reagent is free carpet, but once we track some down, I’m excited to see how it works!

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