Back in September I made myself a new keychain. When I first saw Mo Willems' Elephant and Piggie children's books, I thought that Elephant looks just what Henry would look like if you drew him as a children's book character. I mean that in the most loving way, in that Henry is the most adorable nerd you'll ever get to meet. I decided to pay homage, and make myself a keychain of Elephant. We took this picture after using the keychain for a while, so its a little beat up. But its still pretty cute right? I made the head out of sculpey, added the glasses out of wire and sanded it as smooth as I could get it after baking it.
For Henry's birthday, I thought I'd make a keychain for him as well (this shows how late I am in making this post!) I wanted something to make him smile so I made a walrus. We've had an inside joke about walruses since high school, and have collected them ever since. Again, the picture was taken after a few months of use. Maybe I should add a layer of glaze to these so that they would be a little harder and scratch resistant.